By paying attention to health and safety issues in the workplace employers are not only following Australian regulations they are doing the right thing by their employees which has many positive, ongoing effects.
The transport industry is considerably more dangerous than other Australian industries so the priority to ensure that every worker gets home safely is an ongoing challenge.
Consequently the Transport Workers Union (TWU) has put together their own training programs designed to raise the awareness of safety in the workplace and to ensure that their members have the necessary skills to work safely every day.
In 2013 members of the TWU will have access to a broad range of training programs to give them the necessary skills to ensure that the workplace is safe.
The new training program has meant that the TWU has been able to train four times as many delegates and members as pervious programs in the same space of time.
Because of its previous success the TWU expanded its training program this year to also include courses that train Health and Safety Representatives (HSR’s).
The safety training began on March the 1st this year with the courses designed for members that are elected as a HSR within their workplace. The TWU is acting as a WorkCover approved Health and Safety Representative training provider under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act).
HSRs can complete a 5-day course as well as a 1-day course as a follow up within their 3-year elected term in the HSR role.
Both courses will provide HSRs with the skills that they need to work effectively in the role, areas that are covered include:
- Duties
- Responsibilities
- Health and safety issue prevention
- Health and safety issue response
- How to develop effective safety strategies